We Help You Manage Your Account Responsibly

Account Payables, Invoices & Statements Services

We want you to see exactly what's going on with your account, on every level. That's why we make it easier for you to reconcile your payables, invoices, and statements with our dynamic account features. We offer multiple payment methods for you to pay on one or multiple different accounts, as well as detailed invoice search methods. We'll even reward you for going paperless with our Elliott Reward$ program. If you have a preferred system to manage your invoices and statements, you can download your account information from our site and upload it to your accounting software. Additionally, our Reconcile Statements feature allows you to upload invoice data as you receive it and compare it to what we have on file for your account.

Account payables, invoices, and statement services

Invoice Payments

Making Payments Online

Online Payments

Online Payments

Our system lets you filter your invoices according to the date of your choice, with handy shortcuts for selecting them. Payments can be scheduled ahead of time or made immediately, and we will even process "flat amount" payments according to your instructions.

Payment Types

Payment Types

ACH Bank Transfers are quick and secure and may be used with any Checking or Savings account. For added convenience, you can also make payments to your business account with a credit card.

Detailed Payment History

Detailed Payment History

Search your paid invoices and view all the details for each payment, which you download, email, and print. You can search your payments by Date Paid, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, PO/Job Name, Check Number, Credit Card, and Online Pending Payments.

Requests for Payment

Invoice Management

Electronic Invoices
Electronic Invoices

To make managing online invoices easier, you can fully customize what information appears on your invoices, including CPNs, PO/Job Name, and sub-accounts, and how you receive your invoices via mail, email, and/or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

Summary billing activity for each week or month
Summary Billing

For your convenience, we can consolidate all of your billing activity for each week or month in a single, summarized report. You'll receive a separate summary statement for each of your individual job accounts. You can customize your Summary Billing options on our website.

Download Invoices
Download Invoices

When exporting your data, choose any common accounting software format, like Quicken, QuickBooks, PeachTree, etc. If we don't already offer the format you need, just let us know and we'll take care of it. We can also use FTP (file transfer protocol) to send electronic invoices to you.

Contact your credit representative.
Invoice Help

If you have questions about your invoices or need more information, you can contact your credit representative. Their contact information is on your main Account Overview page.

Elliott Reward Dollars
Elliott Reward$

Elliott Reward Dollars are essentially cash in your pocket! Begin receiving all of your invoices exclusively through email and earn a reward of $0.10 for each and every invoice.

Weekly & Monthly

Finding Statements

Statements by month and year


Find your statements by month and year. Each statement's details includes a summary of your account information, our contact information, the next payment due date, a detailed breakdown of the month's transactions, billing and balance activity, and open items from the past 90 days.

Compare the invoices you have

Reconcile Statements

Statement reconciliation is a quick process that allows you to compare the invoices you have received to what we currently have on file in our system. This allows you to verify that you have received all the invoices for the given statement period and that the invoice totals match.

Waivers are legally binding documents.


A waiver can serve as proof of payment and good standing for your business per project or job. You can request a waiver from EES by using the Search Invoice page.

Payable, Invoice, and Statement FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions


Log into your account and hover your mouse over ACCOUNT, located in the top menu. Under Payments, click Make a Payment.

Find invoices to make payment.


Log in and go to Account Overview. From the list of page options, click Payables then, Make a Payment.

Search account for invoices

First, enter the date when you want the payment to be applied. Then, select which sub-account you want to make a payment on.

Second, you can select invoices based on:

  • Most Recent Statement
  • Invoice Date
  • Ship Date
  • Custom Selection
  • Pay a Flat Amount

Select invoices by date

Third, review all selected invoices; you can also deselect and select invoices to customize your list or dispute an invoice.

Fourth, select your payment method. You can also apply your Elliott Reward Dollars.

Finally, review your chosen invoices and payment method before submitting your payment.

Select invoice payment method


Log into your account and hover your mouse over ACCOUNT, located in the top menu. Under Payments, click Payment History History.

Account: Find Payment History


Log in and go to your Account Overview page. Find the Recent Transactions filter and click Payments.

Account Overview: Find Payments

The default search method is by date range, but this can be switched to any of the other methods by using the drop-down menu to the left of the search box that appears. You can sort your payments by clicking, Status, Payment Date, Payment Method, Reference #, Applied To, or Amount.

You can also click Search More to go to the Payment Search page. Use any of the following Search By options, located in the dropdown menu:

  • Date Paid
  • Invoice Date
  • Invoice Number
  • PO/Job Name
  • Check Number
  • Last 4 Digits of the Credit Card Used
  • Online Pending Payment
Account payment history

Log in and go to your Account Overview page. From the list of page options, click Unpaid Invoices. This page shows All Unpaid Invoices from All Sub-Accounts.

There are two methods to search for unpaid invoices.


Use the Search Invoices bar to search for invoices based on:

  • Invoice #
  • Shipped Invoiced Date
  • Sub-Account Name
  • PO/Job Name
  • Invoice Total
Account Payables: Unpaid Invoices


Use the Filter Invoices option to search for invoices by their:

  • Invoice Status
  • Sub-Account Name
  • Invoiced Date Range of Invoice
  • Date Range of Shipment
Account Payables: Unpaid Invoices Filter Search

Click an invoice number to view its information in detail. You may change an invoice's PO/Job Name by clicking the (Edit) link next to it in this main list.

Other options for working with Unpaid Invoices include Email/Print the complete list, Email/Print/Fax any invoices you select, as well as Download, Dispute, or Acknowledge any invoices you select.

Log in and go to Account Overview. From the list of page options, click All Invoices. Use the search filters to find the invoice(s) you need; the three available search methods are Date Range, Invoice Number, and PO/Job Name, which are displayed upon loading the page.

Invoice records are stored for up to seven years. Any invoice from the listing can be viewed in detail by clicking on the invoice number. Use the Email and Print buttons to export the entire list of search results. You may edit the PO/Job Name on an invoice by clicking the Edit link next to the Job Name you would like to modify.

Search old Account Invoices


Log into your account and hover your mouse over ACCOUNT, located in the top menu. Under Invoices & Statements click Statements.

Check monthly statements online.


Log in and go to Account Overview. From the list of page options, click Payable then, Statements

Check monthly statements on your account.

Select a monthly statement to view an electronic copy in full detail. Review statements from past years by clicking the desired year at the top of the list. Each statement's details include:

  • A summary of your account info
  • Our contact information
  • The next payment due date
  • A detailed breakdown of the month's transactions
  • Billing and balance activity
  • Open items from the past 90 days


Log into your account and hover your mouse over ACCOUNT, located in the top menu. Under Invoices & Statements click Reconcile Statements.

Log in to reconcile statement


Log in and go to Account Overview. From the list of page options, click Payable then, Reconcile Statements.

Search account to reconcile statement

There are two ways you can specify which statements or invoices you would like to reconcile with our records.

First, search for a statement by Statement Date or Invoice Date Range. Including a PO/Job Name or Sub-Account in your search is optional.

Second, upload a CVS file. Your spreadsheet may be as simple as a single column of invoice numbers.

Search for statement and upload cvs

Finally, submit your spreadsheet.

If your spreadsheet fully matches our records for the criteria you specified, you will get a Success: Fully Reconciled notice.

If there are some discrepancies found between the spreadsheet you uploaded and our records for the criteria you specified, you will get a Not Fully Reconciled notice and the discrepancies will be listed on a table below.

Submit spreadsheet for reconciliation results

Yes. Log in and go to your Account Overview page. From the list of page options, click Unpaid Invoices. Select which invoices you want to download and use the Export As ... dropdown menu to find and click Download.

Download invoices for Quicken, Quickbooks, or PeachTree

To download an invoice, follow the steps to

  1. Account Name: Use Existing Account Name or Create a New One
  2. Vendor Name: Use Existing Vendor Name or Create a New One
  3. Include Invoice Items: Yes or No

Finally, you can download the invoice, or send it via email.

Immediate Arrival

Invoices appear immediately in your inbox. Choose which digital file type is best for you.

Earn Reward Dollars

Earn $0.10 for each emailed invoice you receive!

Go Green & Save

Use less paper, ink, and fuel, and save time and money in the process!

OPTION 1: Call Us

Call our credit department at 936‑715‑4008 and we will get you started.

OPTION 2: Go Online

Log in and go to your Account Settings page. Click on the Invoice Preferences option.

STEP 1: Choose to apply these invoices preferences to ALL sub-accounts or a SINGLE sub-account. If you are applying these settings to a single sub-account, select the sub-account from the dropdown box below.

STEP 2: Select your invoice settings: Print Pricing on Delivery Ticket, Allow Back Orders, and/or Print Back Orders on Delivery Ticket.

STEP 3: Choose your invoice delivery methods by clicking on or clicking off the any of the four check boxes. Input or edit the necessary information per delivery method. To edit the preferences on email address, click the blue Edit button. NOTE: Receiving invoices by email only will earn you $0.10 per invoice with our Elliott Reward$ program.

STEP 4: Click the green "Save" button when you are done. Invoice options can be edited at any time.

Account Invoice Delivery Method

Yes. We are happy to offer full EDI support. You can set up EDI for your invoices by doing the following:

Go to your Accounting Settings and select Invoice Preferences.

First, choose to update all Sub-Accounts that follow the SAME settings, or each Sub-Account that follows INDIVIDUAL settings. If you want to apply this invoice change to an individual sub-account, choose which sub-account.

Invoice preferences for sub-accounts

At the bottom of the page, in the Invoice Delivery Methods section, there is an EDI checkbox option. Click the checkbox to open the EDI signup form and enter the relevant contact information. Then, click Save Preferences.

Receive EDI Invoices

For additional EDI support, contact our Help Desk at 1-888-569-7181.

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